In the spring semester of 2012, Villanova Irish Dance Co-Captains Mattisan Rowan (Villanova University‘14) and Rory Beglane (TCRG, Villanova University ‘16) met with team adviser George Pinchock to discuss the possibility of forming an event that would bring college Irish Dance teams across the country together. After many emails and long hours of planning, Villanova University hosted the first ever Intercollegiate Irish Dance Festival on November 17th, 2013. Eight schools participated in this event- Villanova University, Catholic University of America, Boston College, University of Dayton, Fordham University, Temple University, University of Rochester, and West Virginia University.
Following this event, Rory Beglane and Zack Warshaw (ADCRG, University of Vermont ‘13) teamed up to begin forming an organized network for College Irish Dance teams. Zack, who had served as founder and leader of the University of Vermont Celtic Cats for four years, had been working up in the New England Region to begin a similar network and event that was started at Villanova University. Once Rory and Zack were able to team up, College Irish Dance evolved into the network it is today.
With over 50 member schools, College Irish Dance spreads across the country in every region of the Irish Dance community. Collegiate Irish Dance runs on the motto “Dance Another Day”. Collegiate Irish Dance promotes the continuation of Irish Dance throughout college for dancers who come into college with experience, and encourages the beginning of an Irish Dance journey for those who are new to the sport. Many teams accept beginners who wish to learn Irish Dance for the first time which promotes the culture of Irish Dance in new communities while allowing dancers to gain invaluable teaching experience.
Collegiate Irish Dance has a goal to continue spreading to more institutions every year, giving dancers an opportunity to create new friendships based on their similar passions and allow scholarships to be given by universities who recognize the dedication and intelligence these dancers possess.
Officially incorporated in 2020, the Collegiate Irish Dance Association is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organisation.